Monday, July 16, 2012

Starve the Big Fish - First Post

There is a poster at a local coffee shop that shows a big fish about to eat three small fish, but then there are a bunch of small fish behind the big fish - all forming the shape of an even bigger fish about to bite the actual big fish. The poster has one word on it: "Organize"

I have a bone to pick about that poster: In our situation, the big fish is heavily armored. All those little fish behind it will do nothing but break their teeth trying to bite it. After the real big fish eats the three little fish already in its mouth, it will turn around and start feasting on all the rest of the little fish behind it while they are busy fooling themselves into thinking they can have any impact whatsoever upon the big fish. Kinda like macing, beating, and arresting innocent protestors who have broken no laws. Sound familiar.

On the other hand, if all the little fish were to get together and distract the big fish while they got the first three little fish out of his mouth, then the big fish wouldn't have anything to eat. If all the little fish continuously worked together to keep as many small fish out of the mouths of the big fish, then the big fish would eventually starve to death.

What this means in real terms is to create a separate economy that both helps the poor to survive and keeps everyone from supporting the big corporate giants. Create businesses that give poor people jobs creating things locally that people normally buy from corporate giants. Start with food. That is the largest part of a poor person's budget, other than housing, that you can easily replace with home or cooperatively created stuff. Work to create shared, inexpensive housing for poor people to live in. In Europe it is common for many unrelated people to live in a large flat. People used to do it here before housing developers and banks convinced people that owning a "home of your own" was the American Dream. Yeah, a dream for the bankers getting rich on mortgage interest. Only college students share housing here now. These types of cooperative living arrangements help the poor and keep money from flowing into the pockets of slum lords.

Many programs, supposedly designed to help the poor, do nothing to truly alleviate the situation. For instance, all Habitat for Humanity does is convince people that that bogus "American Dream" of owning one's own home is still valid. It is a dream that was sold to us just like the notion that the Coke (note upper-case) I am addicted to will bring me happiness. Now I can't stop drinking the stuff even when it makes me feel bad. Crazy huh?

In this blog, I hope to discuss ways that we can all work starve the big fish while helping each other. This will involve a lot of big changes for me. I am used to just going to the regular grocery store and buying what is most convenient. As I learn to buy more locally sourced products and services, I will discuss how that affects my life and the lives of those around me. Maybe I can start (or find an existing) movement. Who knows.